Friday, December 13, 2013

Great News for Jennifer Kirby!

It's great news when a Canadian player qualifies for the Pro tour. Especially from Ontario!
Here's the report from Golf Canada:

We got to say hello to Jennifer back in July just prior to the Manulife Financial LPGC Classic. My daughter and son were impressed with her display of skill - Jennifer was at Whistle Bear Golf Club in Cambridge, courtesy of Investors Group, for question-and-answer session and clinic. Great going Jennifer!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Victory in Victoria

I just returned from the annual National Golf Course Owners Association annual conference and trade show, held this year in beautiful Victoria, BC. It was my turn to go - lucky me! I've been to Vancouver, but this was my first visit to Victoria. And what a venue for a conference: the grand old dame of Victoria, the Fairmont Empress.
Anyway, we find it a good experience to attend these conferences. There's a great cross-section of the industry that's represented, from mega-upscale resort course owners to 9-hole rural "mom & pop" operations. 
The thing I enjoy most is sharing stories and concerns with other golf course operators from different provinces, and it's uncanny how, despite some very real regional differences, many of the challenges facing us are common. How can we attract more golfers without discounting ourselves to death? What can we do to encourage kids to take up the game? 
The last day of the conference features an event called The Idea Forum, where groups of us submit ideas in the morning session, and by the afternoon a "selection team" chooses the 10-best. How about "soccer-golf" at your golf course? I don't know...