Tuesday, May 28, 2013

And Here We Go Again!

Remember this? Well, it will soon start up again.
Of course, Victoria Rd. South between Stone Rd. and (since last year) Arkell has been a mess for years. With the boon in housing construction, there's no question that a major fix is needed.
As many of you are aware, they began ripping up the road a year ago, from Arkell to the new McAllister Rd. So, the whole summer was a "ballet" of which way to go, to access the golf course. It was frustrating (to say the least), and a major construction delay at the land bridge just south of McAllister didn't help. However, the new road at the golf course entrance is great, and the centre turning lane is very handy.

Here's what's up for this season: at the beginning of June, construction will begin between McAllister and Stone. Victoria Rd. will be closed for 2 weeks at McCallister for deep service work, so access to Victoria Park East will be northbound from Arkell. After those 2 weeks, Victoria Rd. will be open both ways, but with restrictions, basically until November.

I will keep the Victoria Park website updated, as well as social media posts (Facebook and Twitter), with construction news.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hits and Misses

This year, it seems like the Masters, opening the golf courses (late) and the playoffs came smack together like a bad hit. Granted, it was an enjoyable last round at the Masters with Adam Scott prevailing over Cabrera... and of the course the Leafs finally breaking through to the post-season... but April made it tough for me to enjoy. My wife had a cancerous tumour removed, and fortunately the prognosis looks good. Her strength and attitude continue to amaze me. Now, we stay positive and look forward to a great summer.